Buff and Shine 8" dia. X 1.5" 100% 4-ply twisted wool double sided pad "Cutting pad"
Buff and Shine 8" dia. X 1.5" 100% 4-ply twisted wool double sided pad "Cutting pad"
Order No. BFS-803N

Availability: Stock Low, Order Now
  • Buff and Shine manufactures the largest and highest quality line of Double Side Buffs in the industry. We offer four different grades of wool to choose from. With this wide selection of wools you will be successful in any buffing situation. Our coarsest grade is 100% wool with a 4-ply twist and natural in color. It performs as an excellent compounding wool. For a mild cutter try our 50% wool 50% acrylic 4-ply twist yellow wool blend. Buff and Shine's most popular Double Buffs are made with single ply yarns. The natural single ply wool blend is used for light cutting and the yellow single ply wool blend was formulated for final finishing. So no matter what the application is we have the Double Buff you need.
  • Weight (lbs): 0.70
  • Case Quantity: CA